Blue Apron

Recipe Feedback

Blue Apron makes it easy for home chefs to cook delicious meals. It’s important for the culinary team that creates the recipes to have an understanding of which recipes fell short, which were clear winners, and why. Before this redesign, it was difficult for users to even find the right place to provide feedback, and the simple input (star rating + free text) was producing data that was difficult to parse through and, more importantly, not very helpful.

This redesign allowed customers to follow up a star rating with specific pieces of feedback—e.g., rating a recipe five stars because it featured specialty ingredients, or one star because its preparation included a difficult technique. This feedback went directly to the culinary team, who referenced it when creating future recipes.

After launching, the new flow collected 3× the number of ratings, and 4× the amount of additional feedback the old flow yielded.




Lead Designer

Animation of the feedback flow

Once a user submits feedback for one recipe, they’re encouraged to rate more.

Animation of free text entry

The recipe thumbnail is hidden and stars move to shift focus to the text area and accompanying keyboard.